Jan 1, 2010

Facebook Application

In previous articles I explained how to use Facebook as a media sharing application, media and promotion of your blog. In subsequent articles, this time I tried a Facebook application, I'm sure you can use to make a fortune writing in the state, shows a photo sharing and response to comments. Basically, you can have fun while earning money ... It is even more fun:)

Maybe you're not on your Facebook profile page, in fact, you can display and sell items to find many readers you probably think. If you can music, shirts, gadgets, and perhaps angered by the last one before if you can sell. And whatever you may have with a small capital, even without the capital.

Next I will discuss a variety of applications for Facebook shares you may be taking. Sillahkan To best use the service.

Paypal Favorites
It was not long in explaining List Paypal, and you can meet the application of the vertebrae of the week. In essence, you are invited to market a variety of items, with compensation, if you can invite others to join, then you can get $ 1. More information can be read here

But I know where jelaskanpun world's most popular auction "eBay". You can also use their products through the profile page of the auction.

CafePress you can sell the shirt, how your product or products of others. In essence, this application allows all you have on your business memalui sell your personal page ..

Auction e3buy
This application works with e3bay auction site so you can make your own shop and displays through profile pages.

Choose from items such as site selection, try to add widgets to your profile Llau, a commission, to be sold if.


My poem said...

Makasih juga kunjungannya boss..ilmu ngeblog aku dpt pada blog toturial indonesia sapa lagi klo bukan o-om.com dan kang Rohman yang terkenal itu. salam blogger.

asep canda said...

thankyou for information friends

reni said...

Terima kasih kunjungannya...
Ngeblog itu asyik..., makanya aku bersemangat sekali menjalaninya...

JR said...

hi friends ...... this is my first visit to your premises, wow your site was incredible, and your article is very cool and nice, I use google translate to read it. if you have time to visit blogs could not I still learning it, keep blogging and hopefully our collective success in this year. and I hope will be getting something of value that can provide income on the internet.

tugaskuliah said...

be nice party

Unknown said...

thanks for ur visit

genial said...

saiia lebih suka ngeliad blog nya akangnya kang :( makasii uda berkunjung iia :(

phonank said...

terima kasih yah atas kunjungannya....

nice to meet you too

Sandhi Oke said...

sob bhs nya kok campur2 jd agak bingung neh..
what ever its nice info

munir ardi said...

makasih sudah berkunjung ke blog saya sahabat sebenarnya anda penulis hebat terus semangat dan berkarya

blogger bumi Lasinrang said...

datang membalas kunjungan sahabat semoga tambah sukses menulis

munir ardi said...

aduh sekampung mneyel koment saya nih ngggak apa-apalah

HOT GOSIP ARTIS INDONESIA bersama attayaya said...

pakai facebook bisa ngeGOSIPin ARTIS INDONESIA lho

andrii said...

berkunjung seperti yg lain biar gak di biang so'... ;p

Ninda Rahadi said...

do you use google translate? hehe

Ninda Rahadi said...

visit you, comment, n follow

Anas said...

Wah, udah ikutan Paypal Whislist kemarin belum? lumayan loh dapat dollarnya.. hehehe

FaiS said...

aku ga' ngerti ni bahsa inggris.
Ga' tw mo coment apa_an...

Budy Santoso said...

salam kenal kembali

Salam sukses n ay lap yu pulll

Seti@wan Dirgant@Ra said...

Thanks for sharing...
Happy nice day.

Kang Marno said...

Nice post sob.

oke lanjutkan tetap semangat

Mamah Aline said...

makasih infonya, saya sudah liat-liat ke eBay tadi


Terima kasih telah berkunjung ke blog Lingkar cincin... Salam kenal,penulis yang hebat

toko dvd said...

facebook memang yahud buat media promosi sekaligus sharing.

blognya bagus, kenapa nggak pasang iklan CPM buat nambah penghasilan blognya?

Sudinotakim said...

Nice content...

nuranuraniku.blogspot.com said...

salam sobat
trims infonya
saya tambah ilmu lagi nich tentang FB application, karena berkunjung kesini.
trims kunjungannya mas Denie.

asep-bogor said...

Facebook mantap, aku baru tau aplikasi yang ada di facebook. Thanks atas infona.

Lyna R said...

makasih sdh berkunjung ke blog saya
info yg sangat bermanfaat
tapi saya belum berminat menjadi monotizer blogger


Zippy said...

Kunjungan perdana, hehe...
Salam kenal :)
Oh..ya, saya jarang pk Aplikasi yg ada di FB :D

SeNjA said...

makasih kunjungn nya sobat....niceblog,salam kenal y

Pandu said...

ndak mudeng bahasa bule nih...

DEvianty said...

cool,,,, nice post...thx 4 info

Unknown said...

berkunjung dulu ahh...
Tetap semangat sobat... :)

gambutku said...

blogwalking. please visit back.
shoutmix is change.:D

Link Tea said...

wow tipsnya ok juga sobat..

Saung Web said...

Hai sobat lam kenal ya.. postingannya boleh juga nih..

Unknown said...

Hmm...infonya keren lho
aku pengguna facebook tapi suka males dengan aneka aplikasi yang disediakan
cuma ganti status, chatting dan sekedar komunikasi dengan teman2



Lina said...

here's my first comment, read an informative article...

7 taman langit said...

salam sejahtera
tidak ngerti bahasa inggris
jadi numpang komen aza

mocca_chi said...

paypal wish list, masih bsa ga ya mpe sekarang

Fais Wahid said...

Terimah kasih atas infonya.

edda said...

berkunjung ajah :D

rony danaurta said...

kok, jadi saya nyasar kesini... (hehhehe)

salam kenal saya dari blogger kalsel, tukeran link yuk....

blog kamu udach saya follow.


Yolizz said...

facebook kebanyakan aplikasinya,, terkadang malah males makenya,, hehehe... tapi emang bener menguntungkan siihh..

Munir ardi said...

Ayo bos buat postingan baru

glee said...

thanks for your "what the hell" comment. have fun blogging.

vany said...

nice info, mas...
fyi, i never use all aplications that you've mention above....hehehe
i'll try it later... :)

gambutku said...

nice post.:D

Ankardiansyah Pandu Pradana said...

belum pernah ada yang pernah aku coba...

dinoe said...

nice info and nice content freind..........

Anonymous said...

kunjungan perdana
salam hangat dari blue

a-chen said...

wah, banyak beud ya... makasih neh infonya...

Edwin's Personal Blog said...

Facebook sudah di mana-mana. Banyak pihak yang dapat menangkap potensi besar di Facebook untuk menunjang bisnis mereka. Akhirnya semua pada berbondong2 tampil di Facebook untuk dilihat berjuta orang di seluruh dunia...

Hendriawanz said...

thanks for the visit..
nice to see you

Beben Koben said...

hehehe...where do u come from
AbduLLah??? hihihi
action action action hohoho
nice to meet you

ChoiBlogs.blogspot.com said...

Thank you for visiting and leaving nice comments. you have friends and you also so enthusiastic! Wish you happy when I visit.

Clara Canceriana said...

thanks for visiting ^^
have a nice weekend

munir ardi said...

i am coming make a new post please

Laksamana Embun said...

Thank Visit My Blog..

Sukses Selalu,,,

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