Jan 2, 2010

Dofollow Blog

Currently dofollow is a word familiar to us, commenting especially for hunting backlinks blogger fans. There are many who are reluctant to have their blogs dofollow due to several factors, such as anxiety Ranking unmatched by other bloggers, or fear of the circumcision of Om PageRank on Google. I myself can not comment on this, because employees do not Google. Some time ago, all the bloggers on Blogspot-based blog not because the technique followed to create links in comments to dofollow be easy, perhaps one of the frequently practiced. These techniques are not going to discuss because it is no longer useful, since Blogger is now stronger against spam. But in this post I will try to verify some of the advantages and disadvantages of dofollow blogs.

* Get the jump in traffic has doubled, especially if they are users of WordPress and uses KeywordLuv plugin, you get search engine traffic in a number of legal
* Get a double comment, even to know is why:)
* As a rule, many loyal visitors) (faithful readers who are always on our blog
* The number of feed subscribers increased significantly because customers want to keep forever blog updates
Blogs are increasingly popular, if your blog is popular with the above condition is not followed.
* Get a stable traffic though rarely updated blog
* Please note that commentators have bothered to comment, it motivates them to give a better comment again

* A large amount of comment spam is just to get the backlink
* Of course, you will be impressed by the attention of the many comments (if you're in a moderate all comments)
* To reduce the possibility of links or ads, because the advertiser can use to sell your dofollow blog.
* If comments too (in the previous 100), then indexes the search engines to your blog, many are left out too.
* Al-backlink backlink is still a problem with your blog, never mind, but if the blog is far from being the subject of the blog (such as selling drugs or anything that is not linked on the blog), Maybe then review blogs search engines, your blog is simply garbage.
* When using a self-hosted WordPress, then maybe your bandwidth is used up quickly, because also the page impressions and many of the visitors want to stop the decline in almost all items.
* Comments that are less good, the multiple links. Despite her comments of weight, but if too many links will be less good in the eyes of search engines.
I've given some examples of the advantages and disadvantages of dofollow blogs. Dofollow blog, linked to an increase in traffic quickly enough, but there are many problems with spam. Finally, the decision is in your hands to think so. Evaluation of the next post I will discuss how to make your blog dofollow but does not seem spam.


nuansa pena said...

Punyaku masih nofollow! no/do follow yang penting persahabatan tetap jalan dan saling kunjung!

Dinoe said...

Pakai do follow ya....mantap mas...bisa menambah daya tarik buat yg berkomentar....krn hadiahnya backlink.....

Devianty said...

wah asik jadi nambah dong koleksi backlinknya pake do follow

Thariq said...

no what what sob...
btw salam kenal dan salam follow sob...

mocca_chi said...

still prefer nofolowww :D

Edwin's Personal Blog said...

Bagaimanapun, saya pake dofollow saja deh. Tapi yang penting memang persahabatan kita...

secangkir teh dan sekerat roti said...

bagaimanapun juga nofollow, hhwhwhw

attayaya said...

waaaah blogku ga dofollow neh
masih nofollow

gambutku said...

hm...in english.:D

Fi said...

kabar baik do follow...

narti said...

ada plus minusnya blog dofollow....kayaknya loh.

sda said...

tetap ngeblog aja deh...

lina@women's perspectives said...

All mine are still nofollow. Thanks for sharing the pros and cons...

Rock said...

Yang penting ngeblog aja...

hendro said...

thank's for recomendations i'll become followers for this blog,
would you like visit my blog,,

sandhioke said...

wow, it's very nice talk about dofollow/nofollow blog. if u dont mind i have artikel related its topic. nitos teknologi nofollow dan dofollow

nuansa pena said...

hadir lagi untuk menyapa blog yang segar ini!

richo said...

btw i dont too understand yet bout do follow blog, how to set up our blog to be a do follow n how we know if that is do follow blog or no follow. can u explaint to me??? help me please. just email to me richoyul@gmail.com

munir ardi said...

mesti mikir seratus kali sebelum jadi dofollow

munir ardi said...

dan kayaknya saya belum siap untuk itu mas

munir ardi said...

salam hangat dan terus berkarya

alkatro said...

blog ane juga dofollow ;kalo kotak comment masih no follow... caranya klik kanan pada link comment terus pilih properties; kalo ada ket. nofollow berarti masih nofollow he he

ipin said...

kabar baek sob

Reetha said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, your blog also very nice..Why don’t u add a top
commentator widget in your blog. You can see that in my blog in almost down right
sidebar. This help to give more respect to your commentators and they will comment more..Keep in touch

rumah tiara said...

kunjungan di pagi hari, untuk mencari follow dan komentar dari sesama bloger terkenal seperti anda

angger said...

kunjungan disore hari,ditunggu kunjungan baliknya

FAIS said...

aku ga' ngerti soaL gini_an...

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